Friday, January 02, 2009

Happy 2009

Spending the first day of the year the way I want at home, kind of contented as this indicates a good start for me : )
Guess I'm not going to write any to-do list for the year of 2009
as I don't normally do that
(even if I do, I wonder whether I'd remember and follow up : P)
But I did think about how my life should be, can be, and will be after I graduate at May..
Hmmm.. I'll try to do a rough plan
And.. the above is the London eye fireworks on New Year's day 2009
I never knew that the Big Ben has been there for 150 years!!
It's celebrating its 150th birthday this year..!!
Like it quite much, more than the London Eye at least, especially when there was firework display (the beginning few seconds part, with the clock's chimming, awesome!)
although I feel those firework displays at the cities all around the world were really kind of polluting =/
Anyway, all the best for everyone this year

If I'm granted a wish, I'd hope for health, for everyone whom I love and who loves me, and myself


Anonymous said...

"If I'm granted a wish, I'd hope for health, for everyone whom I love and who loves me, and myself"
this wish, is the best wish i have ever see!
much more better than "world peace", haha!
Same goes to you, take good care always ya!

huibee said...

hahaha.. thank you
got compliment for wishing what I wish.. quite happy : )

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