Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Inception (2010)

Your mind is the scene of the crime.

This is definitely one of the best-est movies I've ever watched in my life. Christopher Nolan, I'm going to remember this name (the writer and director of this movie, also the director/writer of Batman Begins and The Dark Knight). Thanks to friends who had been recommending it to me, especially yuan who believes so strongly that I'm going to like it or I wouldn't have watched it in the cinema.

Warning: Please stop reading if you haven't watched but planned to watch it.

Astounding is the word. It's so thoughtful. It made me link to a book that I was reading (and have stopped) "Human Given" (by J. Griffin & I. Tyrrell, 2003), their interpretations about dream was somehow related, although different.

How do we amend people's thought? How do we make people believe that what they believe is wrong? How do people differentiate what is reality and what is dream? How much do we know about subconscious? What can we do in subconscious state? Is collective dreaming actually possible?

I believe everyone has come out with all sort of questions after watching it. And in particular, I'm interested in the following:

How do we amend people's thought? Make them believe that what they believe is wrong or vice versa. For example, in my ward a patient used to believe that he had super power to control many things that happened (e.g. he watched the news that a kid was killed by a gun, and he believed that it was his power that made that happened, and felt guilty about it). What do we do to tell him it is not true? OR, who we are to tell him that it is NOT true? Because it's possible that what he thinks is true! who knows?

This brings out another question. How do we differentiate reality and unreality (whether it's dreams, hallucinations, etc)? We dream, we imagine, we create stories etc etc. In the book Human Given, the authors believed that people who developed schizophrenia, have got problems in differentiating dreams and reality. That is why they see things and hear sound that's not "real", as in in dreams. What make them believe that what they see/hear is real? And when they're cured, what make them believe that those are not real?

How about the ending? What do you think?? Somehow I believe that Cobb (Leonardo LiCapario - whoops my Jack in Titanic xD) got inception, and more importantly, it's by himself. A "scene" that he is so eagerly and desperately wanting to come across. You know the movie itself, even made me feel so eager to see the face of the kids! But how he get incepted? why? I don't know.

I would probably watch it again when download is available =X. Also looking for more in depth reviews, especially regarding the ending, and the connection between dreams and reality.

Inspiring. Amazing. There were tears in my eyes when I finished it. Thanks god this is a movie not a drama series, or I'd probably be thinking so much and get stuck in it xD. Yet I do hope for more inspiring and astounding psychology movies! =D

Friday, July 09, 2010

New Job. New Experience.

I've finally started my first ever full time job after my Psychology degree in the Chase Farm Hospital! What would I describe my job after working for more than 35 hours this week? I told my ward manager that I'm enjoying it, and in fact, I am! This morning had a quick chat with bpeng, I described it as rewarding and interesting yet tiring.

It's basically a forensic mental health trust, a rehabilitation ward. I guess I shouldnt go into any details about any particular patient due to confidentiality issues, but from the words "forensic" and "mental health", guess you can grasp a rough idea of how the patients are like. and YET! it's a rehab ward, so those patients actually progressed from acute wards, and then being transferred to this ward, i.e. they're KIND OF stable. I know all of them by approaching them and talking to them first, all their first impressions in my head are good, nice and stable. But I get some time to look through their files of what they have been through, what kind of crimes they committed, what kind of behaviours they taken in the past, I was really O_O shocked, some of them had been in the system for about 20 years, and are still here.

Having said it's a forensic ward, the security level is actually very high. We're carrying the keys, identity scan and an alarm with us all the time. I felt fun in the beginning, and now I'm getting used to it. But right, the place itself feels like a community rather than a hospital, with most of the living basics. I worked a late shift yesterday, and I could sense a home feeling when I was sitting in the lobby watching tv with the patients xD, and then one of them taught me playing pools.

I've got really really nice ward manager (it's like a quality guarantee as sooo many people said to me that he's really good), and because I'm the only new (and young xD) nurse in the ward, I'm happy that most of the seniors are taking good care of me, sharing their experience and telling me what dos and donts.

And so, what do I do? basically it's surrounding what the patients do, and the only part I'm not involved is giving medicine, in which we would have qualified nurses doing it. Like what the ward manager says, basically, what I do is building rapport with them, ensure they've got someone to talk to when they want to, theirs needs are fulfilled, and when they get unstable or a bit aggressive, I'd be able to calm them down. Other than that, we're doing smoking sessions, activity & meal preparations, planning meetings, care plans, risk assessments, ground leaves, tea bar (there are more, but because it's still a new ward, after a month or so, when things are all settled down, i'd get the chance to learn and see more of it). And there are quite much of paperworks as well, doing notes on each shift of how each of them is getting on, and if you're assigned to be a security nurse on your shift, there are even more stuff, like checking where each patient is hourly, make sure the environment is not hazardous etc etc.

A lot to learn, a very very very fresh and interesting new environment to me. Hope I could make the most out of it.

( to be continue.. I guess )