Friday, March 30, 2012


Got to admit I didn't make very good decision this time, wasn't being considerate enough to realize I might not be able to cope with a long day before flying early in the morning.
I mean, I'm on a 12 hours shift long day tomorrow, 2.5 hours away from where I live, and I have to come back and get ready for an early flight the next day..
I always believe in making the impossibles possible, but the long day tomorrow is ruining my holiday mood, and I have yet to mention, I'm FINALLY going to Amsterdam! It's been more like a dream saying to go and not being able to "achieve" it.
Hope all go well and tulips are all blossoming waiting for us!

I still have some essays that I don't know what to do with it. It's just not something that I have done before and despite swallowing 3-4 chapters of the book I still don't get how to start and what to do with it :(
I used to think all this will come to an end once I completed Spring term. But it doesn't seem like it. Haih. When all these are over I hope I can then enjoy doing my research. The British data collection has completed, Malaysian participants and Msian in UK is on their way. I do really struggle to get enough people for MSinUK. On one hand I wouldn't put too much pressure on people, but on the other the pressure is on myself if I couldn't get enough people. I do appreciate those who really tried hard to help, especially some who aren't even very close friends...

Hoping to go to Turkey and Egypt at least, during Summer. At best if pama can come, at best they can all come...

Where I live and love. It always reminds me to be grateful, to slow down and feel the now and then.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

五月天 Just Rock It 伦敦演唱会

Wembley Arena, London - 27.03.2012 1930-2230

话说从小到大没去看过什么演唱会 前几个月在纽西兰的婉倩在 fb 上分享说五月天会过来
不知道为什么有种想去的感觉 问了问周围的朋友 都兴致缺缺 我就不了了之了
谁知道 26 号那天五月天来了 阿信分享了一张照片 一个朋友 Belle share 给我
我就告诉她说我没去 找不到 kaki
结果呢 竟然很巧地被中学学长团的嘉伦看见了 然后说他也要去!! 还知道哪里可以买票
(而且很值得 因为是从买了票却不能去的人那里买的 便宜了二十几磅 更巧的是卖票的香港人 是我一个新加坡朋友的朋友@.@)
就这样弄着弄着 去了!!!

首先话说我虽然听很多人的歌 记歌词能力也不错 但是对五月天比较 popular 以外的歌都不知道
所以就听了一个晚上的 mayday (又因为本人不能一边听歌一边读书 所以就把整个晚上牺牲掉了) 还紧张得没睡好 =__=
其次这次一起去的 是我中学毕业到现在六年多没见的朋友 这感觉未免也太奇怪了
(还好他人没变 感觉还熟悉)


开场之后发现之前的顾虑都是笨地 因为有荧幕有歌词 根本不用做功课(既记歌词也)也可以
而且其实大部分歌我都会唱 *得意*
开始他们连唱几首都不说话 后来其实他们说的比我想象中还多...
包括用各种语言介绍了一下 (其实不就是石头用英语 其他的就用中文或闽南语 =.=)
还分享了在伦敦一日游做了什么 和 如果还有下辈子还要再干嘛
(其中阿信和怪兽说了要再学吉他 石头还要再来伦敦 (玛莎说什么我不记得乐 =_=) 冠佑要当导游去北极看北极光 这时候阿信说了冷笑话 说如果看不到北极光 看北极熊脱光光可不可以 换作平时我会觉得这笑话很 lame 但是当时候就笑了出来 =__=; 后来发现其实冠佑答非所问)
然后当然他们唱了很多歌 *废话* 从初中听过地到今年的新歌..
他们各自也呈现了一段乐器表演 超厉害!! 希望有人录下来分享..
而且encho后还唱了四首 人也太好了吧!!


他们组团在 29.03.97 就是明天 成为明星却是 07.07.99
这是我大概记得的 还有第一次在伦敦的演唱会就是我们见证的那场
阿话说那也是我和嘉伦的第一场 =.= (只能希望下次见面不是又过了六年!)

今天整个人还是没办法走出来 还在图书馆里哼他们的歌
那感觉像昨天作了场梦 很美的梦 ...

*人生短暂 去疯 去爱 去浪费*

Friday, March 16, 2012

Virtual World

It's the last day of term. No, not yet. I have yet to graduate. It's the last day of Spring term, I still have Summer term! Had quite an "interesting" lecture day in Mill View Hospital today, which is really not what most of us had expected. We thought we were going to get more practical kind of things but who knows?! They made us travel there then what? Sit in the lecture theatre for whole day!

And I'm going to talk about the final talk "Projected Research and Business Developments" by Susan Conboy-Hill. Let me try to be unbiased and say what this talk is about. They are trying to bring in technology to "do" treatments. So here she talked about the people who are hardest to reach, people who stay at home all the time, people who are scared of human interaction or touching, people who hate leaving home, people who are scared of crowds (perhaps, I added some of these myself), yet all are people who need psychological helps. And they proposed (or in fact are going it already) this "virtual world" where people can learn about interaction, get support, feel "well-being".

Before she even finished introducing the whole ideas of it, my colleagues already started to raising hands objecting how this can probably work, then I joined the debate... We are psychologists (or "worse", we were trained "critical thinking" so much that we criticise everything all the time lol), we emphasise human interactions and think it's incredible central to human lives, well-being, contentment, satisfaction, recovery etc etc.

So I asked her, if Yuko (she just happened to sit next to me so I used her name) had problems interacting with people and thus is prescribed with "Virtual World", how is this going to help her with her situation and to get back to normal life? She answered, "how do you know she wants the interaction?" and carried on with her whole idea of how this can work. I agree, recovery quite often doesn't mean get back to "normal" or "how it used to be", and recovery can simply mean "a sense of well-being" very subjectively, but does she mean Yuko is going to spend the rest of her life in "virtual world"?!! Sometimes in Psychology, even Yuko doesn't know that she wants the interaction, at least not until we help her to do it, then slowly she realizes she really enjoys it and gets the most benefits out of it.

I'm so against technology in some ways. Of course I love technology too. I remember seeing a quote on the train, saying if the world hadn't invented mobile phones, we'd all interact more. Yes, so true. It was meant to assist communication, but nowadays how often do you sit in front of a friend but s/he is using phone on facebook/whatsapp etc?!

I appreciate the kind of convenience technology brings us undeniably. Or I wouldn't be able to Skype with my mum whenever I want. I also appreciate that technology can help with recovery, for example if you have a spot above your eye you google and find out what it possibly be then only decide whether to seek help. But technology can't be a treatment as a whole. Just because we're human... People can often read self-help books and understand more about themselves, can learn how to make themselves feel better etc. There can also be an iphone or android application to help people understand depression or monitor alcohol intake. But how are we going to treat someone with bipolar personality disorder with......... an app? with virtual world?!!!

She acted as if she's very "in" and initially perhaps she also kind of thought she'd get all kind of agreements and acceptance from us because we're the generation who have used and benefit most from the technology ever since. I suppose she was quite shocked to have heard us and turned really defensive, and didn't really make obvious points to answer most of our questions. I don't mean that I don't see the potential of their proposal. But I hate spending so much time in front of the laptop, with the phone. I still do it because there's this habit/addiction/whateveryoucallit. I certainly don't hope to see in the future facebook/twitter/smart phone apps replace all part of our social lives. (She loves twitter so much..) Oh let's go out for dinner... I mean in virtual world?!

And one day when I see you, I lost the ability to interact. (we all are certainly losing it... I just think we should stop before it becomes part of evolution)