Sunday, July 31, 2011

"I want sex!"

No no, it wasn't me who said that, lol. I was doing response today, and went down quite a few times to an acute ward, doing reviews on this man in the seclusion room. He's a massive mad man, and has hit two of our TAMVA instructors (who are supposed to be very professional and the top people in restraining patients). I'd never met this man till today. But I have heard a lot of stories from others who have done response in the past two weeks. One of the significant event that I remember was that he pooed in the seclusion room, and made it really dirty, then that day when they tried to do a review, he stood up, slipped on his own poo and fell on his own poo! (hahahahah, how dramatic is that?!) Apart from that he's always naked (not today, just half naked) and very very inappropriate to female staff.

Today when I went, I was thinking I would be really useless, as a little young female nurse. It turned out he's obsessed with females again, then was telling the other staff that he wanted to talk to me (the other female staff around are at more mature age..), so I became a lure, to keep his attention, while they put his food and drinks via the toilet sides and unlocked the room before he realized. I found that quite funny, because I basically just had to talk (through the interphone/viewing panel), then I've done my part. xD Though one of the times he kept asking me to come closer, then when I told him to put the mattress back to where it should be, he started repeatedly saying "I want sex!" The nurse in charge said directly, okay! it's over!

His behaviour is entirely unexplainable (apart from the word 'madness'). His speech is incoherent, and is so obsessed with females. At the same time he is also strong and can be so violent. He can be naked in front of so many staff not feeling a thing; He stuffed his food below the door; He doesn't use toilet but anywhere of the room...

He will be sent to a high security hospital next week. I'm just wondering how people like him get well.. I'd like to learn that and be part of someone like that's progress, but then it seems the control and restraint that we learnt is nothing when we face someone like him.. I know some of the guys on my ward used to be very mad before too. I hope some time in the future I'd get to explore the more severe area. :)

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Grateful :D


可是心里却满满是感恩 :D


P.S. I'll elaborate what happened when everything is confirmed and when I've got some spare energy.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Halo August

It's nearly the end of July, and I have not had any update for nearly two months, surprisingly when I checked my viewers there are still about 4 visitors on average every day, I guess it's still the old debatable posts that are receiving attentions (rather than any friends/family).

Life has not been too busy, I simply lost the passion to blog :S.

Something really important to note is that I have turned into an auntie on July the 13th, welcoming my niece to the world. :) She's also a rabbit (Chinese zodiac), was born also at 2+ o'clock in the early morning, just like me, ha ha.

I'm still a grateful person (pure random), though I went through a kind of depressive period when I first came back to London again in June. But things are all good now, sometimes we forget who we are. Sometimes we forget what we really want and need. Sometimes we just focus too much on certain things and overlook other important things.

In 1.5 months, I'm going to be here for 5 whole years. :O

I no longer know how to write a proper blog post...