Monday, May 17, 2010

Say Goodbye =(

Empty. I thought it shouldn't really affect me, but it still does. Perhaps it was pm's blog post, it seems that everyone either has left or is leaving. =( Nobody is going to be in Cheltenham, a place that I have been living for nearly 4 years, a place that I like the most in England.

I'm going to London tomorrow to meet my future landlord and settle the deposit, contract etc. Somehow I believe I'm going to cope well in new environment, even it's going to be all by my own, but I still feel the unease, maybe it's because that's going to be without bpeng? =(

All seem to be in a very unsettled state, many decisions to make, many things to do. I ain't like this feeling. Yet I'm grateful with what I've got, and hope everything is going well and I can start my new job soon.

Oh and I need to go to London on Thursday again, for the sake of the pre employment occupational health questionnaire. There are so many vaccines bla and bla, I don't even know what vaccines I've taken since young ._. (MMR & BCG for sure, what else?) I think they should actually provide us with a certificates that we must keep in records ourselves =S. Do you know BCG is a vaccine for what? TB! Do you know what TB is? Tuberculosis! Do you know what tuberculosis is? 肺结核. and there are so the hell many types of them, how do they expect me to know? somemore I guess we took some of the vaccines when we were infants?! = = Anyway, the officer said we can get a test if I'm not sure - so this should answer all my questions xD.

Hmm out of topic. I hope pm and Fel are feeling ok now. Both of them really seem "empty" and "lonely" having all their family members gone. It reminds me of last year when we're sending Sammi and Stephy, then Jeff and Kian etc off, we're always the ones sending people off ='(. Why are we still here huh?


puipui said...

T.T really empty here...ya, everyone leaving or left sad!!!!

honestly, i thought everything will go smoothly lik wat i planned, but now i found that i am scared that i cant adapt the new environment!!ohyaa...u n bp so long edy but now both of u hav to separate...i can imagine the feeling...omg...feels lik wanna cry now...T.T

YA!!! y we r still here geh?????? ='(

summer said...


AnaVar said...

4 years is a long time, even though it's not. You'll get used to a new town and your "loss" won't hurt after some time is passed. Be grateful you have those feelings, because this means you had a 4 years of great time! Good luck in London!

Anonymous said...

Hepatitis B

huibee said...

i met sookyee and shealin in London today, went to eat etc, then i feel even worry already, coz the thought of both of them leaving - complicated feelings. i know if we want, we'll definitely meet again, but things wont remain the same, no matter how much effort is put. ya lor, why are we still here? = = i.e. we've decided to take the challenges, so stay strong, fel is there with you =)

小朋友 那是新年用词啊 = =
还是谢了 =)

huibee said...

thanks, whoever you are ._.

Anonymous said...

np and i am 霍元 甲的bro...路人 甲. = =" 冷嗎? wish u 一切順利

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