Monday, July 16, 2012

Certificate in Hypnotherapy

I completed a Certificate in Hypnotherapy last week. There are still stage 2 and stage 3 to get myself a Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy.

I'm not going to say how Hypnotherapy was defined academically and practically, just would like to say it is really nothing like how the TV or medias depict it. Yet it is something really powerful, to help people think positively, to treat phobias and minor clinical depression, to manage pain, to relax and release stress etc etc. One thing worth noting is the pain control and management. There have been people who gave birth or had their teeth removed without any anaesthesia yet feeling completely good and positive throughout the process and after it. We tried it with some minor pain in class and shockingly it worked (we had a clip on our hand, that didn't cause that major pain although it wasn't really anything comfortable). At one point I could feel no pain at all. But what's important is the way you see the pain. I'm still going to do an experiment myself at one point with similar sort of stimuli without self-hypnosis and see if that pain-free feeling was due to habituation.

From the class I also learnt meditation. With his lead I really enjoy meditation, and at times I did it on the train while we were on our way to the class. But after that I started to fail, because of my ability to really focus and concentrate. It's now getting better. I probably need more time. To be really focus and concentrate is always my problem anyway. I also did a self-hypnosis yesterday due to my sore arm. Of course I didn't come out from the hypnosis pain-free, but I was able to see the pain differently and soon forget about it.

I will share more when I have time. Ask me anything about it if you want (and surely it doesn't mean I will always have the answer). If not then try to find some more established site to learn about it. It's something very useful and interesting. At one point I hope I can learn about then practice it more and really let people benefit from it. 


  1. Give birth without feeling pain? Are you sure?

  2. It is more about how they see the pain and manage it, I didn't say they feel no pain at all (did I? =x), but they feel completely comfortable and positive throughout. I have seen video with people giving birth and also a woman had two of her teeth removed under hypnosis (without anaesthesia). One of the coursemates also had very complicated first child born so she had her second child born with hypnosis which turned out much better. Our lecturer's wife experienced that also. It took a few sessions before the labour to learn about it...
